Professional Resources
on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy



Find out about New Zealand's first books on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy:

Self-Help books:

  • Choose to be Happy - how you can use it as an adjunct to your therapeutic work
  • Taking Control - a new look at stress management & how to make it work
  • FearLess - applying CBT to the full range of anxiety disorders

Professional literature:

  • The Rational Treatment of Anxiety. This manual covers the range of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder and agoraphobia, specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and Health anxiety (Hypochondriasis).

Purchasing CBT books:

Our own BookShop, in association with, has a selection of professional books and other materials you can mail-order.

Miscellaneous Resources

Key resources on other sites

  • Click through to the Centre for Stress Management (incorporating the UK Centre for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in London) for a growing selection of articles on CBT applied to a number of settings, including stress management and the workplace.
  • Online Journal of Multimodal & Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy - a new Journal in 1999, developed by Professor Stephen Palmer from the British Centre in collaboration with, among others, the New Zealand Centre. A site to watch as it develops with increasing numbers of articles.

If you would like to contribute an article . . .

If you have written an article on CBT and want to see it on the internet, The New Zealand Centre for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy would like to hear from you. Of particular interest would be articles relating to:

  • the use of REBT and CBT in New Zealand settings
  • unique developments in CBT that apply worldwide
  • literature on the use of REBT and CBT in a bicultural environment

If you have a relevant article written to normal professional standards, well laid-out with headings and sub-headings, and not too long, please contact the Executive Director.