Primary Certificate
in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

The Primary Certificate is the beginning qualification in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. Its overall purpose is to provide helping practitioners already possessing basic counseling skills with an introduction to the principles and practice of REBT that will enable them to begin practicing the method at a basic level. The Primary Certificate is granted at two levels. Most people complete level ‘A’: the Primary Certificate (Theory and Practice) which involves submission of a recorded interview for assessment. There is the option, though, to choose level ‘B’: the Primary Certificate (Theory Only), which does not require the recorded interview.

Special features of this programme:

  • The Primary certificate in REBT is now taught entirely online, which means that the training is available to practitioners from any part of the world.

  • The programme incorporates two computer-based training tools developed specifically for it:
    (1) The MultiMedia Learning Tool for developing theoretical knowledge via reading, interactive exercises which provide immediate feedback and video clips of clinical interviews showing the therapy in use.
    (2) The Rational Analysis Training Simulator which enables trainees to practice using the therapy with computer guidance.

  • Assessment with detailed feedback of trainee's use of the therapy

  • Individual online supervision

 Click on the following links to learn more about this course:

Links to other training pages

►   Instructions & notes on registering

►   Registration form

►   Subscribe to the free CBT Newsletter

►   Rational Analysis Training Simulator

►   Multimedia Learning Tool

NB: Information in this page is subject to change without notice.