Multimedia Learning Programme
for the Primary Certificate in REBT

The Primary Certificate is the beginning qualification in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (click here for more information). The Multimedia Learning Programme has been developed to enhance the training process with the aim of assisting participants to achieve an increased skill level after completing the course. It will eventually be developed for other training courses offered by the Centre.


The current sample is taken from version 2 if the programme. We expect to have version 3 available soon, so check back later for the update, which will contain several significant enhancements..

Specific learning tools

The full version of the programme is available as a download from the course website. It contains the following specific components:

  • A comprehensive menu from which you can go directly to parts of the programme of your choosing.

  • Summaries/key points of material contained in the printed manual (the disk-based programme and the printed manual are coordinated).

  • Exercises designed to clarify key learnings and identify areas requiring attention.

  • Video clips of actual therapy sessions demonstrating the procedures described in the text.

  • A video of one full interview where you can see the model demonstrated in its entirety (further interviews are to be added in due course).

Take a look

An interactive demonstration of the programme is online at this website, so you can try it out. The sample consists of three of the modules (approx. 20%) and includes a number of exercises and several interview video clips.

Your computer requires the following software for the sample to run:

  • An internet browser (e.g. Firefox or Internet Explorer).
  • The Adobe Flash Player (version 7 or later). If you don’t have this, it is available as a free download from:


If you experience a problem . . .

The programme uses your internet browser, so it should run on any computer. It works well with the current version of Mozilla Firefox (version 3.6.3 at the time of writing). It also works fine with the current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 8 at time of writing) except that when you leave an exercise or video to return to the main programme, Internet Explorer will put up a warning message that the programme is trying to close a tab or window and asks whether you want to do that – click Yes and the message will go away.

It should work on earlier versions of Firefox & Internet Explorer and any other internet browsers. Let us know if you have any significant problems. Before contacting us, though, please check the following items on your computer:

  • If you are using Firefox: go to the Tools menu, select Options, and ensure the following items are ticked:
    General tab:  Always show tab bar 
                        When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately
    tab:  Load images automatically
                        Enable Javascript
  • If you are using Internet Explorer: go to the Tools menu, select Internet options then Change how web pages are displayed in tabs (click on the Settings button) and ensure the following is ticked:  Always switch to new tabs when they are created

Links to other training pages

►   Instructions & notes on registering

►   Registration form

►   Primary Certificate in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

►   Subscribe to the free CBT Newsletter

►   Rational Analysis Training Simulator

►   Multimedia Learning Tool