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* (complete the other fields only as required)
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this notification   
(choose an item from the drop-down box)

Subscriber Number   

(Only relevant if you are already known to the Centre.
You can find your subscriber number at the bottom
of any newsletter we have sent you).
NB: some copies of the newsletter dated March 2013 contain incorrect
subscriber numbers (the computer inadvertently substituted a date).
If your number shows more than 4 digits, please ignore this field.
.First Name *  
Last Name *  
Profession *  
e.g. Manager, Psychologist, Staff Nurse, etc. (only
required if you are using an organizational address).
E-mail address *  
Address - line 1    
Address - line 2    
Address - line 3    
City/Town *  
or District if rural 

Area Code    
(if other than
New Zealand)

To view a copy of the Newsletter CLICK HERE